As mentioned before, Germany is now a big destination for people from different countries, and its booming economy has meant that jobs have been plenty. Of course there are basic needs and expat learnings that we keep sharing with you, but we also thought it would be interesting to show case how the job application process in Germany has changed over years and share some of the statistics around it.
Over a period of time the job application process in Germany has moved online, as in other markets and countries. Candidates prefer applying online directly on company websites or dropping in Emails as opposed to the previous applications by post. There are some statistics available from and as expected direct applications from a companies online portal are the number 1 preference for candidates to make their applications.
~57% companies receive applications directly on their online portals and only 7% via new channels like social media
And while online methods are usually preferred and convenient for the candidates, it is increasingly seen that these applications tend to come with errors!
77% of job applications online tend to have errors in grammar and structure. Two-thirds of the candidates suffer from poor spellings on their applications
While it seems that we have moved ahead technologically and the job application process in Germany (and we believe elsewhere too) is likely to move to mobiles and tablets, it does seem that the basics are being missed out!
It is important to ensure that candidates especially those applying for senior level management jobs keep a tab on the right words, structure and especially spellings.
That’s almost a hygiene point- was a sad way to miss out on a great opportunity! Online may be quick – but this doesn’t mean we pay less attention!